Princeton Happenings

Are You Getting Enough?

Water, that is. drinking water

You know where to find it. It’s everywhere. It’s the most accessible beverage on the planet. So why is it that most Americans are not getting enough? I hear people say, “Water is so boring. I can’t just drink plain water.” Yes you can and you should! Our bodies are in constant need of water replenishment. They depend on it to function properly. I found the following article online to be very informative. I would encourage you to click on it and seriously think about your own “water habits”.

If you are not drinking water regularly everyday, you need to start. Bring a large water bottle with you to work – 20 oz or larger. Set a goal for the time that you are going to finish it by. Then refill it and set another time goal. It will be difficult in the beginning and you will feel like there is no way you can get through all of that water. But if you stick to it every day, you will be amazed and won’t even realize how much you are drinking anymore. It will become habit. Your body will adapt to it. Yes, you will find yourself heading to the restroom a little more frequently, but it is good for your body to get up and move throughout the day, which can be difficult when you work behind a desk all day. So welcome the chance to move and stretch your body.

My water bottle is 32 oz. I drink a minimum of 3 of these every day. Do the math. That’s 96 oz or more everyday. That does not include the water I drink during my workouts. I try to have the first round done by 11am, the 2nd round done by 2pm and the 3rd round done – or close to being done by the end of the work day. There are some days where I never even have to think about it and then there are others where I am really busy and realize that I haven’t been drinking enough water that day. So it’s good to have a schedule to stay on track with.

I’m not saying you have to drink 96oz of water everyday like me. But you should be drinking at least 8 – 8oz glasses every day. The other thing to remember is that is should be spread out during the day. Your body needs the constant replenishment. So don’t try to get it all in at the same time. You will see in no time you will be drinking water without even thinking about it. Then, you will start craving it! Imagine that!!

So I challenge you today….if you are not drinking enough water – start right now!