Starting an Indoor Vegetable Garden – At Home With Princeton

The warm weather will (hopefully) be here before we know it! Now is a great time to get a head start on your summer garden while staying indoors at home.  Have kids? They’ll love helping you create the garden and take care of it until it’s time to plant outside.


1 – Choose what kind of vegetables you want to grow (make sure they are ones that you’ll have space to replant outdoors once summer arrives). You can order seeds online and have them delivered. You can also call your local garden/home improvement stores and request a curbside pickup for some items.


2 – Pot your seeds with seed-starting mix. You can also order this online or pick it up from the local store. You can plant your seeds in small containers or cups to start with.


3 – Label your plants. You can use Popsicle sticks and write what vegetables you’ve planted. Stick the Popsicle sticks in the edge of the soil. Don’t have sticks? Write the names directly on the cups you’ve planted in.


4 – Find a proper location for your seed cups. Sun isn’t necessary quite yet. Find a table that you can setup inside to store your garden. Put a tray down first to make sure your surface stays dry.


5 – Water and start watching for plant sprouts. Once you see sprouts it’s time to move your plants to a sunny location like a windowsill or a table near the window. Keep watering daily and when summer arrives you can move your plants to bigger pots outdoors or plant directly in the ground if you have garden space.