Princeton Happenings

5 Ways to Get a Better Night’s Sleep

Having trouble sleeping? Sometimes when we first move into a new apartment or house it can take some time to adjust to our new surroundings. Here are five ways to help you get a better night’s sleep!

<strong>1. Skip the afternoon coffee</strong>- Sometimes when 2:00 hits we feel like we need a boost to give us a little energy. In order to sleep better at night try to avoid caffeinated beverages after noon.

<strong>2. Have a glass of milk</strong>- Eating a very light snack along with a glass of milk about an hour before bedtime can help you catch some z’s.

<strong>3. Prep for bed</strong> – If you are someone who has a hard time getting tired at night, create a routine for yourself! About an hour before you’d like to go to bed lower the lights, fluff the pillows and put on your slippers!

<strong>4. Have quiet time</strong> – Going out late at night or listening to the TV or radio can rev your engine instead of slow it down. Spend the last few hours before bed quietly reading or relaxing.

<strong>5. Lower your thermostat</strong>- Getting too warm at night is a culprit for sleep deprivation. Lower your thermostat several degrees before bed so you aren’t woken up abruptly hours later.