Princeton Happenings

Getting Fresh

Well, we’re halfway into a new month in a new year. Everyone’s got lists going of things they want to do to improve themselves and their lives in the next twelve months. Some goals – like eating healthier (for some people; obviously not for <em>you</em>!) – can prove to be tough to stick to for more than a couple of weeks. What we should try to keep in mind, though, is that our New Year’s resolutions don’t necessarily have to be life-altering, crazy-difficult, or super-expensive! If you’re looking for a little change, why not start at home? The kitchen might be too daunting a project to tackle, so maybe start with the room that should be your escape: your bedroom. You might want your first step to be clearing out any clutter that you’ve got stashed in there. And let’s face it – we’ve all got junk stuffed into drawers, under the bed, and in the closet that really just doesn’t need to be there. In fact, if it’s covered in dust or dated sometime in the ’90s, it probably doesn’t need to be in any room at all! Sell what you can, donate if you’re feeling generous, or just throw it away. Once you’ve done that, you’ll probably feel like bigger changes are more doable. If you live in a community that allows you to paint in your apartment (and be sure to find out if it’s ok before you do anything), find a color you love and paint the walls! Make it bright, make it soothing, make it whatever you want; you’ll be shocked at how dramatic a new color can be in a room.

Whether you’re able to paint or not, you can always make big changes with furniture and accessories! One of my absolute favorite go-to places for that stuff is <a href=””>HomeGoods</a>. They’ve got unique items at very affordable prices – and their inventory is different every time you go (which is actually kind of dangerous, so maybe try to come up with a budget before you go). My other favorite source of budget-friendly home accents is <a href=””>Target</a>. Target doesn’t even need to be justified; you know how good it is. Between these two stores, you can find new bedding, funky throw pillows, pretty slipper chairs (I really don’t know why they’re called “slipper” chairs – I only know they’re called that because I shop at these two places so frequently. Sigh.), unique art & decorations, mirrors, end tables – everything! Replace all of your old stuff or just update a few items; either way, you’ll be feeling fresher and ready to tackle the rest of the year in no time! Need some inspiration? Check out these <a href=””>ten incredible bedrooms</a> that were recently featured on Yahoo! Homes…and get to it!