Princeton Happenings

How to Lower Your Grocery Bill

When the new year comes we all try and improve different aspects of our lives. One common thing a lot of people do in the new year is save money. A good percentage of our income goes toward what we eat so it’s important to stay on a budget when shopping at the grocery store!
I recently came across an article that gave 4 tips for lowering a grocery bill and I wanted to share with you all.

1. <strong>Choose items you can do without</strong> – Do you buy orange juice every week but usually end up pouring half of it down the drain? Juices can be expensive and we can get the same vitamins from fresh fruits and vegetables.
2. <strong>Don’t be a brand snob</strong> – I immediately thought of my husband when reading this one. He is VERY brand loyal and insists on buying the pickles with the silly bird on the label. Opt for the store brand instead to save!
3. <strong>Cook from scratch</strong> – pre-packaged items certainly save us some time but baking items (like sweets) from scratch is a way to get more bang for your buck.
4. <strong>Keep a price list</strong> – Check other local markets and find out who has the best price on items you buy regularly. You might find that a different store offers your usual items for less!