Princeton Happenings

My Bucket List

I was thinking today about things that I would like to do in my life that I have not done as of yet, you know, the good ol’ Bucket List. I said, great blog material, let’s do it! As I was searching for a Bucket List picture to add, I came across a few interesting lists that others have started.

Some had seperated thier lists in catagories such as personal, professional, creative, fashion, even strange foods. I found such items as: say hello in 10 languages, eat lambs tongue, leave 100% tip for a server, ride a bike across Canada, hand out 250 pairs of socks to the homeless, marry someone swell (yes those are the words they used!), and convert my entire apartment into a blanket fort.

Now here goes the big question, what is on your bucket list? I haven’t started one of my own, but I know some things that I would add onto mine, in no particular order. And no judging!

1. Start a bucket list
2. Own two basset hounds, Toby and Sebastian
3. Visit every Disney Park around the world
4. Get my driver’s license
5. Visit a nudist colony
6. Eat a beef Wellington, preferably made by Chef Gordon Ramsey
7. Visit Anne Frank’s house
8. Be in a play on Broadway (yeah, I’m not kidding!)
9. Write a letter to the president and get a personal response
10. Own a home of my own
11. Learn the Tango
12. Go on a whale watch
13. Sleep in Cinderella’s Castle (it could happen… I said no judging!)
14. Go see the hanging coffins in Echo Valley
15. Have a baby
16. Swim with a dolphin, again… Preferably Jaques who I met on my honeymoon, he was handsome!
17. Help someone anonymously, by giving money, items, or something.
18. Go see the stone heads of Easter Island
19. Talk with someone over 100 years old
20. Learn ten new things about each person in my immediate family

Ok… so there we go.. now… your turn… and go!!!