Princeton Happenings

Need a Pick-Me-Up?

You’ve got to click <a href=””>this</a> link and read about Brendan Haas. It’s not too long and it won’t take up too much of your time. In a world where everyone around you seems to have their face buried in a smartphone and is oblivious to the fact that there are other actual people around them, this story made me smile like a fool – and I think we could all learn a little something from it. We might not all be able to send a family on a dream vacation… but we can do little things for each other. Hold the door. Let the person with one item cut in front of you at the grocery store checkout. Say please – <em>and</em> thank you. There’s so much more, but you get the idea. Brendan Haas started early, but it’s never too late to start putting others before yourself.