Princeton Happenings

A new way to buy eyeglasses.

Everyday eyeglass wearers understand how important choosing the right frame and style is. Glasses have a huge impact on your appearance, state of mind and how others perceive you. A study by the UK’s College of Optometrists finds that people who wear glasses even do better in job interviews. Traditionally my experience buying glasses is that they are expensive, on average $300 per pair making owning multiple pairs/styles cost prohibitive. The worst part is selecting the frames, trying on pair after pair while huddled in front of a tiny mirror at the eye doctors. I always feel rushed and make this important decision in just a few minutes when you really should get to test drive them for a little bit. That was the old way to buy eyeglasses thanks to , which has made the process of glasses shopping so unbelievably easy.

Here’s how Warby Parker does it:

First visit Then select 5 frames to try on at home for FREE. That’s right totally free. My trial frames arrived 3 days after ordering them. Once the 5 day trial is up simply use the enclosed UPS shipping slip and send them back.

Now it’s time to buy some glasses; simply log in to select your frames and upload or email your prescription. I was able to take a pic of my script via iPhone and emailed it to them. Super easy!

My new glasses arrived 5 days later, they are perfect – I love them. All Warby Parker frames are just $95, so having multiple styles is totally doable.

There’s more to love about Warby Parker; they donate a free pair of glasses to someone in need for every pair of glasses that they sell.

Great people, awesome company – check them out.