Princeton Happenings

Read Any Good Books Lately?

I’m always telling myself I need to make an effort to read more; the problem, though, is that I don’t listen to myself as often as I probably should. There’s always something I <em>need</em> to watch on TV or a game I <em>have</em> to play on my iPhone (Scramble with Friends, anyone?!), so I end up letting my books collect dust. I’ve thought about joining a book club – but I get nervous that it’s going to feel like homework. <a href=””>Shine from Yahoo!</a> may have a solution for me, though! I was losing myself in internet clicks the other day when I discovered that they’ve created an <a href=”;_ylt=At4voY8rCxjVlR6zOfZTzVdZbqU5;_ylu=X3oDMTIwdGIycTgwBG1pdANib29rIGNsdWIgZmVhdHVyZWQgcG9zdHMEcG9zAzUEc2VjA01lZGlhRmVhdHVyZWRSb2xsTFBDQVRlbXA-;_ylg=X3oDMTFlamZvM2ZlBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdAMEcHQDc2VjdGlvbnM-;_ylv=3″>online book club</a> that gives you a new book to read each month. Once the four weeks are up, you can check back to the site for a discussion with a “notable female author” (the same one who makes the book selection) and other members of the club. No meetings to rush to. No participating in the discussion if you don’t want to (lurkers, I’d imagine, are more than welcome). A new & interesting book every month. Sounds good to me- <a href=””>check it out</a> for yourself!