Princeton Happenings

Signs of Spring!

Signs of Spring!

I love spring. I love how the season warms everyone up. I love how you can start wearing no coat, then no sweater, then just long sleeves, and I am happiest when it is jeans and t-shirt weather!

But the best signs of spring are the flowers! It starts with the crocuses, which I love to see pop up, usually in spite of the snow that is still to be found. Then come the daffodils, which are my favorite flowers by far! Then the tulips! And don’t even let me get started on the hyacinths, which somehow I can never seem to grow. I love that you plant the bulbs in the fall and forget about them and then are pleasantly surprised by flowers in the spring. And as one kind of flower follows another, they bring us into warm weather. <img src=”{filedir_2}crocuses_in_the_snow.jpg” alt=”” height=”170″ width=”216″ />

That is how I track the changing of the season. Not by the dates on a calendar, but by the blooming of the spring flowers!