Princeton Happenings

Spring Cleaning Time

It’s that time of year again…..time to attack those dust bunnies and wipe down furniture. So as we begin the ritual tossing of unwanted items into donation bins, here are a few tips to help make the process a little less painful.
Tip #1 Dryer sheets aren’t just for making clothes soft, they are also great for wiping up dust from tables, bookcases, ceiling fans, and getting pet hair off the couch.
Tip #2 Newspapers. If they are just sitting around taking up space, use them to clean your kitchen sink. Just crumble some of the dry newspaper and rub it against
the stainless steel basin and it will soon sparkle like new.
Tip #3 Get containers! Plastic or cardboard containers are easy to stack, label, and create an organization system that will benefit the whole family.
Tip #4 Year rule! If you haven’t used it, opened it, worn it, or moved it in a year’s time, it’s time to get rid of it!
Don’t forget – one man’s trash is another man’s treasure- so donate all that unwanted stuff!