Princeton Happenings

Technology Took Over…

I have an iPad, iPhone, computer, Google TV, Apple TV, Comcast, Netflix… I get stuck in a YouTube loop, you know the ones, you go on looking for ONE thing and end up spending an hour drifting off into the land of side videos and find out you just watched your 24th video about talking animals… Yeah, that YouTube loop. We exercise on our Wii Fit. I text my husband and family. I also text and email clients for job number two all the time! Facebook is where I keep in touch. I find interest in Pinterest. I even met my husband on line, no not a dating site! A Boston chat room through Yahoo, remember those? I made fun of his screen name.

Technology is an amazing thing, but I miss the little things. Here are some that I really miss, and I try to keep alive, and why they are so important.

1. The hand written letter or card. There is nothing better than checking your mail and finding a card or letter from a long lost friend. I am a membef of a couple of birthday card clubs, yeah dorky, but it’s great. Around my birthday I recieved cards from all over the US and even places further. There is just something about someone taking time out of thier day to sit down and write to YOU. If you miss someone, instead of sending them an email, try a card or letter. It does the soul good.

2. Hanging out with someone while they are disconnected. How many times have you been out with a friend and it takes all you can to get them to look up from thier phone as they text or tweet or update thier status. I know that I have been guilty of this. It’s hard to break away. Shut off your phone if you can, or keep it in your pocket.

3. A hug. Yes, that little thing! A virtual hug is one thing, but there is nothing like a big squeeze!!!

4. Photo Album. Like a real live one that you can hold onto. Or a picture in a picture frame. In our bedroom we have an electronic picture frame. It’s nice, but nothing like a picture you can hold in your hands or put in your pocket.

5. A real conversation. I love messaging my friends around the world, but there is nothing like hearing a voice!

What do you miss?