Princeton Happenings

Think Spring!

Today is the last day of February! That means tomorrow is March 1. I know what you are thinking, “Wow, Sheri, you’re pretty observant!” 😉

Well, here’s the thing. It’s been a long, cold and snowy winter and I am ready for spring! And, in my mind, once the calendar changes over to March, it is purely just a matter of time before the trees start budding, the mercury on the thermometer starts going up (and staying up!), the birds start chirping and the winter clothes start finding their way back into the closet!

In March we spring ahead one hour (yay!) and for all of you college basketball fans, March means only one thing – it’s bracket time for March Madness!

This year, March is chock-full of days to mark on the calendar!

So as you “March forward”, think spring! Sunny days are a’coming, people! Hang in there! 🙂