Princeton Happenings


My favorite holiday is just around the corner. Halloween is the best, what more can you ask for; awesome decorations for outside and inside your home, ridiculous costumes, and an excuse to eat your favorite candy. I love driving home this time of year and seeing the houses in the Halloween Spirit. Front doors decorated and Jack-O-Lanterns out on the steps, the spookier the better!

I have been seriously slacking in the scary decoration department the last couple years. I feel like Halloween is not done up the way I remember it being as a kid. I remember my very first Halloween trick or treating with my family, I was a Ballerina. The first house that we went to was a monstrous Victorian house. It was all dark and there were candles in the windows. My sisters and I held onto each other as we tiptoed up to the door, looking all around in case something were to jump out at us, and the only noises you could hear was howling sounds and the scary music playing in the background. It was always an issue of which one of us going to ring the doorbell, and of course I was always chosen because I am the youngest. We could hear each others chests pounding as we waited for that door to open and have no idea what to expect or what was going to answer it. And when it did Trick or Treat!!! We were going to get candy! And as we walked across the lawn on to the next house we weren’t as scared as we were before. I miss those days and being able to trick or treat, why did I ever stop?

Lets all get into the Halloween Spirit this year and make this one better than the last. Whether you dress up and go to a Halloween Party, or hand out candy or even stay in and watch a scary movie, have a fun with it. That is what this holiday is all about!!!