Princeton Happenings

What’s for Supper?

When I was little, the last thing I’d ask my mother before I left for school was always “What’s for supper?” My mum’s an awesome cook and I always wanted to know what dish I could look forward to at the end of a long & grueling day of 3rd grade. As I got older, I tried to get her to teach me her tricks in the kitchen; sadly, however, I could never really catch on (her lack of patience with my learning curve didn’t help too much, either – but that’s another post on a completely different blog). Fast-forward to today and I’m useless in the kitchen – unless you count clean-up, which most hungry people don’t. I keep wanting to take a stab at making <em>something</em> but the recipes always feel like a science project to me. I need something easy! I need encouragement! I… may have found what I’m looking for.

<a href=””>Shine from Yahoo!</a> is quickly becoming one of my go-to sites (you may recall <a href=””>this</a> post). I’ve just discovered they have a <a href=””> Supper Club</a>, which is a little forum where they give you food themes & challenges; once you’ve attempted their challenge, you go back to the forum and discuss your experiences with everyone else who tried it. It’s sort of like a support group for people who fear the kitchen – whether it’s because they don’t know how to throw a dish together or because they’re bored with the ones they’ve been making. It’s a really great feature on the site and I think it’ll really help people like feel a little more at home in their own kitchen. Whether you’re a beginner like me or you’re some sort of master chef, if you’re up for a challenge – give it a try!