Princeton Happenings

Why Rent Vs. Own

As Smash Mouth once said, “the years start coming, and they don’t stop coming,” and that couldn’t be more true, especially when it comes to the changing needs of our home lives. More and more Millennials and Gen Zers are finding it more appealing to rent vs. own, and below are the reasons we agree!

woman with sticky note stuck to her forehead working on a lap top also covered with sticky notes

Stress Less: Life is stressful enough without your home being another source of discomfort. When you rent vs. own, you’re offloading much of the responsibility that may come with home ownership. You have access to 24/7 emergency maintenance and management, and you don’t have to worry about the little details like trimming bushes, mowing the lawn, or plowing your driveway. For even further peace of mind and convenience, your buildings may have controlled-access doors, digital entry systems, and exterior lighting in common areas and parking lots.

How Convenient: Amenities are a huge perk for those who choose to rent vs. own. Driving to the gym, laundromat, or dog park may be a thing of the past when living in an apartment community. Residents will often find that their apartments are closer to highways, shopping centers, and recreation, which means you’ll be able to cut down on your commute to work, as well as your commute to play. The flexibility of renting allows you to choose (and change) your area based on these amenities and conveniences, and any other needs you may have.

Coins being dropped into a jar half filled with coins, coins all over the table next to it and a tipped over jar on the tableMoney Matters: When it comes to deciding whether to rent vs. own, money is probably the leading factor. When you rent you will be facing less for a down payment, and avoiding property taxes altogether. To rent vs. own means that your monthly expenses are more predictable, as you know there won’t be any surprise maintenance bills for your home or appliances, making budgeting for the things you really want easier.

Get Social: Making new friends as an adult is always hard, especially if you are moving to a new area. When you rent vs. own, you are going to find being social much less intimidating. Your neighbors are just a door, hallway, or floor away, and meeting them can seem much less daunting when you may simply bump into them. Many apartment communities offer social events for residents such as pool parties, game nights, and food truck gatherings to help meet people in your community without too much pressure. Even if  you’re looking to branch out from your apartment community, or simply get to know your area better, your resident office can have a wide range of local area information like events, best restaurants, and great sight seeing.

If you’re curious about what apartment community living looks like, be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook to keep up to date on all that comes with making Princeton Properties your home! Not sure if Princeton Properties has availability in your area? See all of our neighborhoods.