Princeton Happenings

Beating the Heat

If you’re like me, you spend all winter craving the summer heat and then all summer trying to find ways to cool off! So now that the heat and humidity are officially upon us, I’m definitely feeling the need to escape some of the swelter. Here are some tried-and-true ways I’ve found to get through the dog days:

<strong>Make it shady indoors:</strong> If you know it’s going to be record-setting day for heat, start it off by pulling your shades. Your home will start out cooler and won’t get as hot by the end of the day. This will also help your AC to not work as hard. On super-hot days, remember that sunlight is not your friend.

<strong>Slow down: </strong>Put off those strenuous tasks for another day. Laundry, unless it’s in your cool basement, can wait. And forget about cooking. Make a salad or eat something cold. Ice cream always works!

<strong>Stay out of the sun: </strong>Pretty obvious, right? But you’d be surprised how many people don’t follow this rule. If your deck or patio gets full sun, move your favorite chair on the grass under your shadiest tree. Enjoy! And if you’re lucky enough to have a hammock, you know that’s where you should be, right?!

<strong>Stay wet: </strong>After showering, forget about drying your hair. Now is the time to go au naturel and let your hair curl or put it up. A wet head can work wonders in cooling you down. Drink lots of water throughout the day. And spritz yourself with water occasionally–it’ll feel great and provide some relief for a while as it evaporates off your skin. If you can, hang out by the pool or lake, or escape to the beach. And if you can’t get away, a sprinkler or kiddie pool can do the trick too.

I know I’ll be following my own rules this summer. In fact, I think, with a high of 92 degrees in the weather forecast today, it’s time to hit the pool!