Princeton Happenings

A Coffee Debate: Bold Vs. Light Roast

I recently took an amazing vacation in Hawaii. Amidst kayaking through waterfalls, hiking volcanoes and lying on the beach, my husband and I toured a Hawaiian coffee company called the <a href=””>Hilo Coffee Mill</a> on the Big Island. There were lots of different flavors to sample including my personal favorite, pineapple iced coffee! As we tasted a variety of freshly brewed coffees, the tour guide gave us a piece of information that shocked me…..

<strong>”the bolder the coffee the less caffeine” </strong>he said.

I had no idea! Maybe I’m the only one who thought that extra bold and dark roast coffees were giving me an extra jolt of caffeine! It turns out that Light roasts have the most caffeine. Similar to regular cooking the longer coffee is roasted, the more caffeine (and other elements, CO2) are cooked out of it.

So next time you are in need of a boost….opt for the light roast coffee. From now on I will! What roast do you typically choose when having your morning cup?