Tips for Cleaning Your Dishwasher

It doesn’t take long for soap scum, leftover food and other debris to build up on the inside of your dishwasher. Chances are it doesn’t get cleaned as often as it should. Next time you’re cleaning your apartment or house make sure to add the dishwasher to your “to do” list and follow these tips.

1. Mark it on your calendar to clean your dishwasher once a month.
2. Check the drain first to make sure there is no food caught which would hurt your dishwasher’s cleaning efficiency.
3. Put white vinegar in a dishwasher safe cup and put it on the top rack. Run the dishwasher with a hot water cycle with the vinegar cup inside.
4. When the cycle is done, sprinkle baking soda on the bottom of the dishwasher and run another quick hot water cycle. This will remove any discoloration.
5. Check the edges of the dishwasher where the door closes. Use a sponge to clean up any additional gunk or grime that remains.

10 Homemade Valentine Gift Ideas

You don’t have to spend a ton of money to get the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for your Valentine. Instead, try making something yourself! A DIY gift is guaranteed to be cherished much more than the typical flowers and chocolates! Try one of these great ideas this Sunday.

1. Make your own photo scrapbook or album
2. Bake a batch of heart-shaped cookies
3. Make a mix CD or playlist
4. Knit a blanket or a scarf to keep them warm
5. Cook a delicious 3 course meal
6. Serve your Valentine breakfast in bed
7. Write a poem
8. Draw a picture (this one is perfect for the kids to give mom or dad)
9. Make a homemade coupon book for your valentine to redeem house chores
10. Write a list of 100 reasons why they’re you’re Valentine

5 DIY Projects That Use Chalkboard Paint

Ever find yourself in the mood to do a DIY project but not sure where to start? Buying a can of chalkboard paint is a great step because there are so many things you can do with it at home! Keep reading to find five DIY projects that can be done with chalkboard paint.

1. Paint the base of a set of wine glasses with chalkboard paint. Your guests can write their names in chalk so they don’t mix up their glasses.

2. Put chalkboard paint on one side of a couple of coffee mugs. Write a good morning message to your family or friends when you serve them a fresh cup.

3. Paint the inside of one of your cabinets to turn it into a hidden chalkboard. Write down important recipes or cooking measurements you don’t want to forget.

4. Use the chalkboard paint to have an instant chalkboard wall on any wall in your house. This is especially fun in children’s bedrooms or playrooms.

5. Paint the top of a wooden coffee table so the kids can draw chalk art right in the living room.

15 Activities for Your Winter Bucket List

The temperatures are feeling more spring-like than winter-like this week and we’re not complaining! We still have over a month of winter left so we’ve put together a winter bucket list for you! How many items on this list can you already cross off and how many do you plan to cross off before spring?

1. Go ice skating
2. Build a snowman
3. Go skiing
4. Photograph the snow
5. Go sledding
6. Drink hot chocolate (with marshmallows)
7. Light a fire or sit by one with a good book
8. Have a snowball fight
9. Make a crock pot soup
10. See a movie
11. Bake cookies (from scratch)
12. Make snow angels
13. Host or attend a Super Bowl party
14. Learn to knit
15. Make mulled wine

10 Steps to Take to Prepare for a Winter Storm

It looks like we have a winter storm heading our way this upcoming weekend! Whenever the forecast calls for snow, it seems people rush to the grocery store to stock up on bread, milk and bottled water. Keep reading to see what we recommend you do to prepare for our first big winter storm.

1. Check heating system to make sure that it is working.

2. Check batteries in smoke/carbon monoxide detectors.

3. Have plenty of drinking water on hand.

4. Make sure you know how to turn water off in the event pipes freeze.

5. Charge your cell phone so the battery is full. Especially if you don’t have a landline.

6. Have salt, sand and a shovel on hand.

7. Collect warm coats and blankets and make sure they are in an easily accessible place.

8. Have a working flashlight ready with extra batteries.

9. Stock up on food that does not need to be heated in case of power outage.

10. Make sure all windows, doors and sliders are closing properly to avoid extra cold air getting inside.

5 Ways to Start the New Year off Fresh

2016 is here and it’s a clean slate! Don’t fill it up with any of the clutter from 2015 by following these steps. You’ll be off to a new, fresh year in no time.

1. Take down and organize your holiday decorations in a timely fashion. Don’t wait until February to realize you don’t have the storage space or a place to toss your Christmas tree. Store items in neat, labeled bins. You’ll thank yourself when the holidays roll around again.

2. Start marking important dates, events and appointments on your new 2016 calendar or planner. Always wanted to try yoga? Make time for it this year by scheduling some classes. Don’t forget to also schedule time to relax too!

3. Clean up your work space. Going back to work after the holidays is tough and it’s even tougher if you’re going back to a messy desk with “to-dos” from last year. Organize and make deadlines for yourself to stay on track with projects. Don’t forget to clean up your e-mail while you’re at it!

4. Write any thank you cards that you need to send from the holidays before you forget. Your friends and family will love receiving a hand-written note.

5. Clean out your closet. If you didn’t wear it in 2015 chances are you won’t wear it in 2016. Donate your clothes to a location drop off center. Your closet will be clean and ready for a brand new year.

5 Creative Gift Basket Ideas

The number of shopping days before Christmas are quickly disappearing! If you haven’t finished your holiday shopping yet it’s time to make a list and get things done. Still unsure what to get those special people on your list? How about a gift basket! Keep reading to find five great themed-basket ideas that will fit anyone on your list.

1. Movie Basket – A few classic DVDs, some candy, popcorn, and a blanket.

2. Wine Basket – A bottle of red, a bottle of white, some wine stoppers, glasses and a book about wine tasting.

3. Italian Food Basket – Fresh pastas, sauces, olive oils, dipping mixes can be wrapped up in a colander.

4. Relaxing Basket -Bath salts, a bathrobe, slippers, an eye mask and a CD of relaxing spa music.

5. Coffee Basket – Fresh ground coffee, mugs, biscotti or cookies, and chocolate stirring spoons.

10 Festive Things to do in December

It’s officially December and that means a month full of friends, family, fun and cold-weather activities! Whether you’re looking for a party idea, an outdoor activity or something to entertain your kids, we have you covered with some great ideas!

1. Go ice skating
2. Host a party with a hot chocolate bar
3. Attend a holiday tree lighting
4. Drive around to look at holiday lights
5. Go sledding
6. See a holiday-themed show
7. Visit the city for dinner or shopping
8. Have a holiday movie marathon
9. Bake cookies
10. Throw an ugly sweater party

How to Prepare Your Home for House Guests

With the holidays quickly approaching it means we’ll be welcoming family and friends into our homes for parties and events. Eliminate the stress of last minute cleaning and preparation by getting ready for houseguests early!

1. Clean spare bedrooms or sleeping areas for overnight guests now. Wash bedding and vacuum carpets/floors.

2. Tidy up your entryway. Put away any items that are cluttering the area and leave plenty of room for guests to put their shoes and store their winter coats.

3. Refresh your bathrooms by refilling all toiletries. Wash the floors and clean all surfaces of the bathroom.

4. Guests never show up empty handed. Clear some space in your refrigerator and throw out old items. You’ll want plenty of room to store extra food and leftovers.

5. Check the exterior. Make sure your walkways are cleaned up and clear. Also check your exterior lights and make sure none of the bulbs are burnt out.

6. Stock up on breakfast items. You’ll want to offer coffee and juice to your guests first thing in the morning. Make sure you have all of the essentials so you aren’t running out to the store bright and early.