Princeton Happenings

Helpful tips for your dog during hot weather

Helpful tips for your dog during hot weather

Dogs do not sweat except through the pads of their feet and their noses. To cool themselves, they pant. It’s important to first recognize when your dog is experiencing heat stress, and how to prevent it during hot weather. Some symptoms are vigorous panting, red gums, and dizziness. Should you find your dog showing some or all of these symptoms, remove her immediately from heat and sunlight. Place cold washcloths on the ears, neck, chest and feet pads. This will slowly assist your pet to an acceptable body temperature. It’s important to always offer fresh, cool water throughout the day. Should they be outdoors for the day, some dogs enjoy a shallow pool or if indoors, especially for older dogs, a cooling bed can offer some comfort.

Please remember to never leave a dog inside a car at anytime during hot weather. All it takes is just a few minutes for the car to reach extreme temperatures. This is life threatening and/or will gravely affect your pets’ health.