Princeton Happenings

INSANITY! Work out that says it all!

Eight weeks ago, the karate studio down the street from my house sent out an email offering the INSANITY workout in a class atmosphere. My initial reaction was, “this is exactly what I need to do”… and I signed up. Prior to the 1st class, I started talking to people about it and kept getting the same response: “That is really hard, you know!” Were they telling me this because it is hard if you are overweight and out of shape or just simply because it is hard for everyone?

You may have seen the infomercials on P90X and INSANITY – the ones with all these fit men and women telling you, “You can look like this!” And you chuckle and say back to the TV, “Sure I can.” It is hard to believe that in 60 days, you can go from couch-potato abs to six-pack abs – or even half a six pack, for that matter. Watching this, I wanted to cancel my enrollment and find something easier. How will I ever do this? I am 40 lbs overweight and haven’t attempted any form of exercise in about 20 years, but if I even want a chance to look close to that, hard is exactly what I need. So off to class I go…

I have one week left of INSANITY and let me tell you, it has lived up to its name for sure! The program offers cardio, plyo-metrics, circuit training, and abdominal & core strengthening and conditioning, all combined to give your body a chance at looking good. The nice thing is that you can go at your own pace and modify certain exercises until you get stronger. When I first started, I couldn’t do a single push up – not even the “girly” one. Now I can do them and other push up-inspired exercises. As for measureable results, I took measurements and weighed myself before the class started; I am, however, waiting until the final class to see my true results. People say they can see a difference, but the true test will be when I get on the scale.

Now that I have done this, I will continue to work hard with the next class offered – or even do this program again.

If you have thought about doing it – DO IT!!! It may be insane, but your body will thank you!