How Princeton celebrates Thanksgiving
This time of the year things start to get a little crazy. Did you remember to get the stuffing? Are there enough place settings for everyone? What’s the best route to beat the holiday traffic? Which Black Friday deals do you want? The list seems endless. But despite the hectic schedule, most of us have our own traditions that we look forward to year after year. We asked a few Princeton employees to share some of their Thanksgiving traditions.
We always invite someone that is not part of the family, a close friend or even just an acquaintance that does not have family close by. We get to know them and welcome them to our home. The tradition started with my Nana and we have met so many amazing people because of it. Plus sweet potatoes with marshmallows. No matter where we go, no matter who we are with it is a must have.

This will be the 10th year I run the Feaster Five in Andover on Thanksgiving morning. (And the 5th time i’ll run it in a spandex santa suit)
We have been raising our own turkeys for almost 20 years. We always cook the biggest one on Thanksgiving for our family/friends. The biggest one we ever cooked was 46 pounds! That was an interesting year!

We go Black Friday shopping. We jump in line – usually close to 11pm and then wait until 1am when the store opens. Then we pretty much shop all night, have breakfast at a local diner and then go home to bed, usually sometime after 8am. After doing this for so many years, it is now not so much about the actual “shopping” but the experience itself. Last year, the guy in front of us was teaching us how to “Salsa” while we were in line!
We will be in Louisiana where Thanksgiving dinner includes cornbread dressing in a casserole dish and almost no one puts stuffing in the turkey. Then the argument is whether cornbread dressing should include sage. My sister in law says yes (Texas people!) though my grandmother would have never, ever added it.

I will be cooking for the extended family. Turkey, plus all the traditional New England trimmings. I really enjoy cooking, baking and entertaining…but the real tradition is taking the family picture and espresso martini’s. Hopefully not all at once. I’m sure the pilgrims didn’t have Espresso Vodka, but it’s a staple when my family comes to visit!
What is a tradition that you look forward to every year?