10 Items to Buy Before a Storm

They say March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb. According to our forecast that may be true! It looks like we have a lot of wet, damaging weather heading our way. If you’re going out to the store today to prepare, make sure you have plenty of these items so you don’t have to venture later!

1- Bottled water

2- Coffee and/or tea bags (so you don’t have to venture out for your morning cup!)

3- Specialty foods for infants (like baby formulas, milks or pureed foods)

4- Pet food – don’t forget about your 4-legged friends!

5- Pantry staples – i.e. bread, snacks, soup mixes, canned foods

6- Toiletries (you don’t run out of these in the middle of a storm!)

7- Batteries

8- Medications

9- Diapers (if you have little ones at home)

10- Cereal, oatmeal or fruit to have on hand for breakfast the next morning after the storm!