3 Tips for Cleaning Patio Furniture

It looks like spring might be here to stay (fingers crossed the snow is gone for the season)! Warmer weather means spending more time outdoors so it’s time to pull out the patio furniture. Depending on the type you have or what you need to clean, there are different ways to get them ready for the upcoming season.


  1. If you have mildew on your furniture, put some white vinegar in a spray bottle. By spraying the surface of the furniture you should be able to easily wipe away the mildew and the vinegar should also keep it from growing back.


  1. If your white, plastic lawn chairs are looking dingy try using bleach to get them looking their best. Mix ½ cup of bleach with a gallon of water and a little detergent. Wash the chairs with the solution and then towel dry.


  1. If your patio furniture is made of a more sensitive material, try using baking soda to get it clean. Wet a sponge then dip it into some baking soda. Wipe the stains with a circular motion until clean.

A Princeton DIY – Tomato Cage Christmas Trees

If you love the look of outdoor Christmas lights, but don’t have any shrubs or trees to decorate….don’t worry! Watch the video below to learn a DIY project that uses only 3 materials and looks great outdoors during the holidays.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXDj77NbEhk?rel=0]

Question 5

Do you use white lights or colored lights when decorating for the holidays?

*Make sure to head over to our Facebook page and post your answer in the comments of today’s post to be entered to win!

