5 Ways to De-Clutter in the New Year

The holidays have come and gone once again and it’s time to put away the decor and organize our homes. Feeling overwhelmed with the tasks of getting things cleaned and organized? Try these ten tips…


1 – Move all of your holiday decor to one spot. Take it down and put it on your kitchen table (for example). You’ll see everything you have and be able to decide if you want to purge anything before packing it away for next year.


2 – Get lots of clothes for Christmas? Now is the time to clean out your closet and donate old clothes before hanging up the new ones.


3 – Kids tend to get lots of toys for the holidays and when you mix their new toys with old ones it can create a big mess. Now is the time to purge old toys! Donate ones that are gently-used and make room for the new toys.


4 – A lot of people want to eat cleaner when January rolls around. If that sounds like you, now is the time to declutter your fridge and pantry. Pull everything out and toss anything that is expired. Start fresh with healthier foods in a clean and organized space. Don’t put the food away until you’ve wiped down and sanitized all the surfaces.


5 – Don’t forget about your car when de-cluttering. Now is the time to clean out those consoles and cup holders and vacuum the interior. When you’re done cleaning make sure you have all of the safety essentials in place for winter (i.e., a scraper, brush, sand and all fluids topped off.)

5 Tips for Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions

Whether you decided to eat healthier or keep your home clean and organized, keeping a resolution can be challenging. Before you start getting frustrated or thinking about throwing in the towel, check out these helpful tips!


1- Make your goal very specific. Instead of saying “I’m going to be healthy in 2018” make your goal more specific by saying “I’m going to exercise three times per week in 2018.”

2- If you need someone keeping tabs on you to keep you honest, make your goals and resolutions public. Share your goals on your social media account or with a friend and share your progress.

3- Reward charts aren’t just for kids. Make a chart that you can check off to keep organized. List all of your household cleaning chores and check them off as you complete them. Reward yourself with something special when you’ve completed everything.

4- Make your goals progressive. Instead of making one big goal to reach by the end of the year, make smaller goals that you’ll hit each quarter to build up to the bigger goal.

5- Don’t be too hard on yourself. If you slip back into old habits it’s okay. Don’t give up – you can always jump right back into a new lifestyle without ruining your plans for the year.