15 Activities for Your Winter Bucket List

The temperatures are feeling more spring-like than winter-like this week and we’re not complaining! We still have over a month of winter left so we’ve put together a winter bucket list for you! How many items on this list can you already cross off and how many do you plan to cross off before spring?

1. Go ice skating
2. Build a snowman
3. Go skiing
4. Photograph the snow
5. Go sledding
6. Drink hot chocolate (with marshmallows)
7. Light a fire or sit by one with a good book
8. Have a snowball fight
9. Make a crock pot soup
10. See a movie
11. Bake cookies (from scratch)
12. Make snow angels
13. Host or attend a Super Bowl party
14. Learn to knit
15. Make mulled wine

10 Indoor Activities to Get You Through the Winter

When the temperatures get low it’s hard to get motivated to brave the cold to spend your spare time. Rather than bundling up to shop or go out to dinner or the movies, try some of these activities this winter!

1. Host a game night at home.

2. Have friends over and setup a hot chocolate bar.

3. Have a Netflix or movie marathon (complete with a cozy blanket and slippers.)

4. Read that book you haven’t had the time to pick up.

5. Host an at home wine tasting.

6. Try some of those Pinterest craft projects you’ve pinned

7. While you’re at it, try cooking some of those recipes too.

8. Have lots of photographs on your phone? Use a printing app to get them printed and arrange them in photo albums.

9. Update your playlists on iTunes and download some new music.

10. When all else fails….do some research on booking a tropical vacation!

5 Ways to Start the New Year off Fresh

2016 is here and it’s a clean slate! Don’t fill it up with any of the clutter from 2015 by following these steps. You’ll be off to a new, fresh year in no time.

1. Take down and organize your holiday decorations in a timely fashion. Don’t wait until February to realize you don’t have the storage space or a place to toss your Christmas tree. Store items in neat, labeled bins. You’ll thank yourself when the holidays roll around again.

2. Start marking important dates, events and appointments on your new 2016 calendar or planner. Always wanted to try yoga? Make time for it this year by scheduling some classes. Don’t forget to also schedule time to relax too!

3. Clean up your work space. Going back to work after the holidays is tough and it’s even tougher if you’re going back to a messy desk with “to-dos” from last year. Organize and make deadlines for yourself to stay on track with projects. Don’t forget to clean up your e-mail while you’re at it!

4. Write any thank you cards that you need to send from the holidays before you forget. Your friends and family will love receiving a hand-written note.

5. Clean out your closet. If you didn’t wear it in 2015 chances are you won’t wear it in 2016. Donate your clothes to a location drop off center. Your closet will be clean and ready for a brand new year.

5 Creative Gift Basket Ideas

The number of shopping days before Christmas are quickly disappearing! If you haven’t finished your holiday shopping yet it’s time to make a list and get things done. Still unsure what to get those special people on your list? How about a gift basket! Keep reading to find five great themed-basket ideas that will fit anyone on your list.

1. Movie Basket – A few classic DVDs, some candy, popcorn, and a blanket.

2. Wine Basket – A bottle of red, a bottle of white, some wine stoppers, glasses and a book about wine tasting.

3. Italian Food Basket – Fresh pastas, sauces, olive oils, dipping mixes can be wrapped up in a colander.

4. Relaxing Basket -Bath salts, a bathrobe, slippers, an eye mask and a CD of relaxing spa music.

5. Coffee Basket – Fresh ground coffee, mugs, biscotti or cookies, and chocolate stirring spoons.

10 Festive Things to do in December

It’s officially December and that means a month full of friends, family, fun and cold-weather activities! Whether you’re looking for a party idea, an outdoor activity or something to entertain your kids, we have you covered with some great ideas!

1. Go ice skating
2. Host a party with a hot chocolate bar
3. Attend a holiday tree lighting
4. Drive around to look at holiday lights
5. Go sledding
6. See a holiday-themed show
7. Visit the city for dinner or shopping
8. Have a holiday movie marathon
9. Bake cookies
10. Throw an ugly sweater party

5 Ways to Keep Your Pets Safe this Halloween

Last year we wrote a post about staying safe on Halloween. This year we want to make sure your pets are also safe! Whether you’re out trick or treating or handing out candy this Saturday, follow these steps to make sure your pets also have a great holiday!

1. Keep your candy is a safe place. Make sure it’s not left in a bowl that is close to the ground and tempting for your pet. If eaten, your animal could become very sick. To be safe, keep the Halloween treats in a seal-able bowl or on a high surface.

2. Make sure they aren’t in the yard. On Halloween night, make sure to find your pet and keep them inside. You won’t want any young kids playing tricks on your pet or feeding them candy.

3. Have a safe place for them in the house while answering the door. Whether it’s a gated room or a central space that has a door that can be closed, make sure your animal has a place to stay. Some trick or treaters may be afraid of dogs and you wouldn’t want to risk an escape.

4. Keep outdoor cats inside if possible the days leading up to Halloween and even the days after. Cats tend to be victim to Halloween pranks…especially black cats.

5. Make sure all candle-lit pumpkins are out of reach and outdoors. While you are busy answering the door you don’t want your dog or cat to accidentally knock over a candle-lit pumpkin. Stick to LED candles or flashing bulbs.

20 Activities for Your Fall Bucket List

Today is the last day of September so it’s time to get moving on our fall bucket lists! The autumn season is filled with so many fun activities for the whole family. Take a look at the fall bucket list we’ve put together to give you some fun ideas for your weekends in October and November!

1. Visit a pumpkin patch
2. Go apple picking
3. Go to a corn maze
4. Take a scenic drive
5. Go to a football game
6. Bake an apple or pumpkin dessert
7. Drink hot apple cider
8. Go to a local fair or festival
9. Take a hayride
10. Go to a haunted house or theme park
11. Have a bonfire
12. Go on a picnic
13. Carve pumpkins
14. Watch scary movies
15. Shop for Halloween costumes
16. Go on a hike
17. Build a scarecrow
18. Plant mums
19. Host a Halloween party
20. Make caramel apples (or just eat them)

5 Tips to Get Your Family Organized this Fall

September can be a hectic time of year. We are no longer jetting away on tropical vacations or relaxing on the lake. Instead, we are getting our kids back to school and preparing our home for another busy year ahead. In order to lower stress levels and keep things organized while making the seasonal transition, read these great tips!

1. Keep a calendar. Some people like to use their cell phone calendars, others like a hand-held planner. Whatever your preference, start recording dates for important meetings, football practice and piano recitals before you forget.

2. Organize your documents. Get a file cabinet and designate specific folders for important documents. Bills, medical charts, permission slips, etc. They can all find an organized place to live.

3. Meal plan. Spend some time on Sundays planning out your family meals for the week (including lunches) so you aren’t looking for quick fixes in a rush during the week.

4. Cook extra. If you are cooking a big meal, double the recipe! You can freeze your extra food and easily thaw it out for dinner on a busy week night when you have a lot on your schedule.

5. Give everyone a job at home. Chores not only teach responsibility, they can be helpful to you! Delegate the laundry sorting and dishwasher emptying to family members to take some of the load off yourself.

5 Ways to Save on Back to School Supplies

It’s back to school for many local towns so we wanted to share some money-saving tips! Buying notebooks, pens and folders for school doesn’t seem like much, but it can certainly add up! Before heading to your local office-supply store with your list, check out these tips!

1. Check out what you already have. If you have a home office or a supply closet at home, take a quick sweep and see how many items you may already have on hand before you buy them brand new.

2. Check out your local Dollar Tree. There’s no need to spend too much on certain items. Instead, spend only a dollar on lots of desk-essentials.

3. Read your local flyers. It’s the time of year for back to school items to be on sale. Read your local store flyers and see who is offering the best prices on items before heading to your “usual” store.

4. Stick to your list. Make a list of “must-haves,” (which is usually provided by your child’s teacher) and stick to it. There’s no need to buy unnecessary amounts of supplies.

5. Set a budget and stick to it. Give each of your children an amount they can spend and don’t go over. This is also a great lesson for them to learn how to budget!

7 End of Summer Party Themes

We’re certainly not wishing summer away but the unofficial end of the season is quickly approaching! Celebrate the end of hot, summer days by hosting your family and friends for an end of summer party with these great ideas!

1. White party – Have all of your guests wear white to celebrate the end of summer! Labor Day is quickly approaching and a lot of our white clothes will soon get packed away.

2. Luau – Nothing says summer more than a Hawaiian-themed party! Buy some leis and drink out of coconuts outdoors.

3. Fiesta – Host an end of summer fiesta by serving frozen margaritas, chips and salsa and guacamole to your friends.

4. Beach party – Live near the ocean? Now’s the time to host your friends for an end of summer event on the sand! Setup some volleyball nets, lounge chairs and umbrellas and catch some rays before September gets here.

5. Garden party – Host your friends outdoors in your garden for fancy finger foods and fun! Fresh-cut flowers and fancier attire will make this event feel elegant and fun.

6. Sunday brunch – Soak up the sun by serving your guests a summer, Sunday brunch! Fresh fruit, mimosas and french toast will sure to be a hit.

7. Classic BBQ – Fire up the grill and serve your guests some classic BBQ foods one last time. Finish the day with s’mores and some backyard games.